When asked to derive something, please clearly state the assumptions, if any, and strive for balance: justify any non-obvious steps, but try to avoid superfluous explanations. When asked to plot something, please include in the ipynb file the figure as well as the code used to plot it. If multiple entities appear on a plot, make sure that they are clearly distinguishable (by color or style of lines and markers) and references in a legend or in a caption. When asked to provide a brief explanation or description, try to make your answers concise, but do not omit anything you believe is important. If there is a mathematical answer, provide is precisely (and accompany by only succinct words, if appropriate).
When submitting code (in Jupyter notebook), please make sure it's reasonably documented, runs and produces all the requested results. If discussion is required/warranted, you can include it either directly in the notebook (you may want to use the markdown style for that) or in the PDF writeup. Please make sure to submit a notebook that has been run with all the outputs generated.